How to Get a Recovery Manager Job


Going from being an average employee to a career-defining role can be hard, but it’s not impossible. Here are some tips on how to get that recovery manager job you’ve always wanted!

Job Search
It’s important to understand that not every job can be found through conventional means. You need to explore unconventional methods of job searching. Professional organizations, government agencies, and nonprofit boards are all places where recovery managers work their day jobs. When you’re interacting with others in these environments (at conferences, during networking events, etc.), keep your eyes peeled for opportunities.

Job Description
Every organization needs recovery managers, and some even hire for those positions. Some of them must be recovered addicts themselves, but in other organizations, it’s enough just to know what addiction looks like and how it feels—and not fall into those behaviors yourself. Although you may have decades of job experience under your belt, that doesn’t mean you’re ready for a recovery manager position. You need special training first.

Education & Training Required
The right education and training are vital, but it’s also important that you make your recovery manager job search as effective as possible. Make sure you ask a lot of questions when you interview; try to get as much information about their experience and knowledge of recovery programs. Also, be sure to talk with them about their previous hires—this will give you some idea of what they look for in new employees. Remember, every interview is an opportunity for you to distinguish yourself from other candidates.

Skills Required
As with any other career, there are certain skills that are necessary in order to be successful as a recovery manager. Good organizational skills, clear communication skills and good critical thinking skills are all important. It’s also essential for recovery managers to have excellent leadership qualities and strong motivational skills. Other important factors in a recovery manager’s job search include proper education, relevant experience and connections or recommendations from others within their field.

Where To Look For Jobs
One obvious place to start looking for recovery manager jobs is on job boards. CareerBuilder, Monster and ZipRecruiter are among some of the most popular job sites. These sites allow you to post your resume for employers seeking qualified candidates for these positions. You can post your resume online and choose when you want it to expire, whether it’s in one day or six months from now. Not all companies that hire recovery managers use job boards so be sure to check other places as well. Go directly to employer websites and look at their careers section. Call the main office number of a company you think may have openings for recovery manager jobs and ask if they do indeed have any available positions or know of any available positions in your area. Volunteer! Volunteering allows you to network with people in your industry and could lead to employment opportunities at organizations where you volunteer. If nothing else, volunteering offers job experience which will impress future employers! Be resourceful, creative, persistent and tenacious!

Sample Resume for Recovery Manager
The typical resume for recovery manager positions will highlight any relevant experience, like higher education and/or training related to managing rehabilitation programs, patient care or medical records. Most importantly, recovering managers should showcase their proven abilities in building relationships with patients and physicians as well as supporting their peers. In short, your resume needs to get across that you know how to lead your team while also caring for patients. Do not forget to mention contact information at the top of your CV; doing so makes it easier for employers to reach out if they are interested in moving forward with an interview. This is where many applicants miss an opportunity—after all, it does not cost much time or money to set up LinkedIn (or another social media account) and add additional online presence for those who are curious about finding more about you! Apply to local job openings: Next up on how to get a recovery manager job is seeking out positions locally.

Getting The Interview
The process of getting interviews for recovery manager jobs is similar in many ways to getting interviews for other kinds of management positions. Many job seekers make common mistakes, however, which can be easily avoided. Here are some tips for getting an interview for recovery manager jobs -Check Your References: References will be contacted by prospective employers and their feedback—positive or negative—can go a long way toward determining whether you’ll get an interview or not. Make sure your references know when they might hear from a potential employer so they don’t refer them to another candidate and also include that person’s contact information on your resume.

Going The Extra Mile in Your Cover Letter
A little extra effort goes a long way. A well-written cover letter will greatly increase your chances of getting an interview; in fact, recent research from Harris Interactive shows that recruiters spend an average of 6 seconds on each resume they receive, and those with cover letters attached are viewed as significantly more hirable.

Additional Tips and Advice
Here are a few suggestions that might help you get your foot in the door: First, if you’re just starting out in recovery from an addiction, it may be smart to look for positions with less responsibility and fewer people reporting to you. This can give you more time and space for making mistakes, learning about what does and doesn’t work, getting comfortable with your boss and fellow team members… essentially easing into things. Once you feel ready to take on new challenges, then you can talk to your employer about opportunities for growth. And always follow up! If your boss is someone worth working hard for and respecting—and they should be!—then sending brief but regular updates on how you’re performing and how things are going will make them much more likely to recognize when (and if) it’s time for another promotion or change in responsibilities or even a raise or bonus.

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