Social media has become a dominant force in the employment industry, with many companies now relying on social media to recruit new employees. If you’re looking for a job, social media can be used to your advantage to find positions, connect with people and get your resume seen by potential employers. Here are 10 tips on how to use social media to get a job.
1) Don’t spam, no one likes it
When applying for jobs, don’t go overboard with your social media presence. Being friendly and professional can go a long way—but spamming recruiters and hiring managers is definitely not cool. Spamming puts off anyone you’re trying to reach, so be nice, be kind, and leave them wanting more.
2) Read your audience
Companies are on social media, so you can bet that they’re going to be looking for new employees. When you peruse your newsfeed, keep an eye out for companies that you might be interested in working for—and make sure they know who you are. Use your profile photo as a professional headshot and don’t forget to link it back to your professional portfolio.
3) Share high-quality content
Social media is an excellent forum for sharing your expertise and letting others know about your skills. Share what you know by posting links to interesting articles and discussions on social media. Not only will people learn from you, but those who see you in action may think of you as someone they’d like to hire. And if they do, your reputation as an expert may help get them in touch with you.
4) Engage with others
With so many career-related online communities, it’s never been easier to engage with others in your field. Joining an online group for current and potential employers is an easy way to connect and make yourself known. It’s best practice to think before you post, though—you don’t want your comments coming back later as critiques from interviewers. Be mindful of what you share, but also be strategic about getting people who know and like you involved in your job search.
5) Engage with companies
The best way to get your foot in an employer’s door is by making yourself known as an active and involved member of their communities. Even if you don’t have much in common with them, simply like or share posts they create on Facebook, follow their tweets on Twitter, or engage with them in any other social media outlet you frequent. Then apply for a job when one opens up.
6) Maintain a presence
LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook— these are just some of the major social networks that can help you score an interview. In order to stand out on one or all of these sites, you’ll need to create a professional profile, post quality content and respond promptly. It may seem like extra work, but keep in mind that your competitors will be using similar tactics; it’s vital that you establish yourself as an expert and connect with others who have something valuable to share.
7) Create an online portfolio
If you’re applying for jobs online, it’s important that you have an online portfolio that showcases your work. Create a LinkedIn profile, Facebook page and Twitter account so potential employers can check out what you’ve done in previous positions. Your social media presence is also useful for networking, so ask friends and family members to like or comment on your posts and tweets—this will get other people involved in your social network.
8) Help people who may be looking for you.
Networking is so important because it helps you meet people who can actually help you in your job search. It also gives you an idea of what your potential colleagues are like and how they think. If someone in your network has recently found success at a company that’s hiring, share news of their new position with them so they know you’re open to new opportunities. Don’t be afraid to ask for help! There are tons of free resources available on social media sites and through specific job boards.
9) It’s ok to ask people for help or favors.
In your quest for employment, you may find yourself asking friends and family for help. Don’t be embarrassed or shy about it; everyone needs help every now and then. Just be sure not to cross any professional boundaries: don’t ask current clients of friends or associates for work if you can help it, and keep in mind that offering people favors doesn’t mean they have to give you one in return.
10) Show appreciation
We’re social creatures, and we want our friends to know that we appreciate them. Be sure you are following your connections on LinkedIn and thanking them for their comments on your own updates. Just think: if you were connected to somebody who didn’t care about you, would you want them following your updates? Probably not. Treating others with respect and care is important in all aspects of life. The job market is no different.